Wednesday 9 December 2015

The one where Ariana Grande did what?

Hi all. 
Let's get one thing clear. I do not judge anyone's choice of lifestyle. By any means. I respect all decision and life style choices people choose to live their life by. Whether it be vegan, vegetarian, meat eater, raw vegan etc... People make their own choice. But the one thing I don't understand is why a person preaches a life style and then chooses to do the opposite thing.

Now here's the back story. Ariana recently brought out her very own brand of lipstick and lip gloss and was announced to be the new viva glam girl for 2016. Understandably both the product and herself are extremely gorgeous and appeals to both Ariana's fans and makeup lover like me! But...yes there is a but.  Ariana. claimed vegan and animal lover, has created her lipstick/gloss along side M.A.C Cosmetics. Who I have previously mentioned has being a brand that IS NOT cruelty free. It is not vegetarian friendly or vegan friendly.

Now my beef with her (see what I did there?) is that for someone who preaches vegan-ism and even stated "I love animals more than I love most people" she seems to have no problem with using M.A.C as a way to create and sell her brand. I mean i if you're trying to promote cruelty free diets. You'd think you would want to promote cruelty free make-up. 

I am not the only one to have realized this. Many of her fans have questioned Ariana's choice of brand and have been questioning if her brand is a one of a kind and is in fact cruelty free. 
Now the down side to the situation is that she has not commented on the nature of the ingredients, making of the product or even why she chose to work with M.A.C.

Now although that is some of my rant based on her personal decision. I'm even more upset about the fact that brand like M.A.C and L'Oreal have high platter forms despite the fact that the way they create their products is harmful and inhumane. Now the fact that people like Ariana Grande are giving brands like M.A.C an even bigger platter form. Why? why do we live in a society that allows brands like this to have number 1 status'. It's almost like we are promoting unnecessary harm. Based on what? Fame? To have the faces of our idols plastered on every billboard  in the World? To say we own products by an over priced brand that exploits animals? What is the real point in all honesty? 

I feel that its kind of unfair on the buyers of the brand. It's by far the most unfair thing for fans who wish to follow Ariana's lifestyle because understandably she is their idol. But as someone who is striving to go cruelty free on their makeup. I don't buy products if they dont mention their status on being cruelty free. Therefore, I wouldn't buy the product no matter how damn good it looks. But a fan? Even if they themselves wish to go cruelty free? They're obviously going to feel inclined into wanting to buy the product. Clever marketing a guess. 

But either way i felt that I needed to make this post because I personally felt that the whole situation is highly fishy and well I just don't fully understand what Ariana's doing here. But on the other hand she is a celebrity and has an image to keep up and promote. I just think that if you're going to present your self as a animal loving, vegan then you should stick to it in all honesty. 

As a small disclaimer. This post is in no way a means to hurt or offend anyone or their beliefs. It is simply my opinion on a very sticky situation. 

So yeah. Please let me know in the comments what you think about the situation and if you think Ariana is doing a good or bad thing for her image. 

-Zuri :)


  1. I'm a vegan and I love Ariana, when she said she was going vegan I felt completely happy, but now I feel really dissapointed cause I wish I could by her brand but I can't cause is supports animal cruelty :-/ I think tht's super unethical of her.

    1. I completely agree. I just wished she had picked another company that didn't support or work with animals previously. I was also really shocked at her choice not to comment on the situation as many of her fans are vegan, like yourself. I just hope that next time she will pick a cruelty free brand so that everyone can use it.
      Zurine :)

  2. Some of the money does go to people suffering from HIV and AIDS and there are certain MAC products that are suitable for vegans so it doesn't seem like a total disappointment

    1. I'm really glad that a percentage of the profit made from this product is going to a good cause. I was just surprised that she decided to work with a company like M.A.C. Her product is most likely vegan but I'm still shocked at her choice of company.
      Zurine :)

    2. Actually ALL of the money goes to the Mac aids fund. Literally every single penny,they don't make a profit at all. That's why Ariana did it.

  3. I think that Ariana eats a plant based diet but is not "vegan". I'm pretty sure she wears leather and uses plenty of non-cruelty free makeup. I still love her and am a huge fan, but it'd be so awesome if she was completely vegan...

  4. I agree with the opinion in the blog. I love Ariana becuase she has awesome music and claims to be vegan. But I am shocked and severely disappointed that she would team up with MAC. Whether it was to promote her image or not she could have EASILY chosen a makeup brand that's 100% vegan. That way she could have promoted animal libertation as well as her own image. I mean, she's got millions of fans already so I'm pretty sure SHE would have still received more public recognition even with a makeup brand that's not extremely well known. I would have loved to see her boost a vegan makeup company..I will still enjoy her music and all but I did lose a little respect and admiration towards her. I'll soon think she is a hypocrite if she doesn't clear this whole thing up.

  5. I agree with the opinion in the blog. I love Ariana becuase she has awesome music and claims to be vegan. But I am shocked and severely disappointed that she would team up with MAC. Whether it was to promote her image or not she could have EASILY chosen a makeup brand that's 100% vegan. That way she could have promoted animal libertation as well as her own image. I mean, she's got millions of fans already so I'm pretty sure SHE would have still received more public recognition even with a makeup brand that's not extremely well known. I would have loved to see her boost a vegan makeup company..I will still enjoy her music and all but I did lose a little respect and admiration towards her. I'll soon think she is a hypocrite if she doesn't clear this whole thing up.

  6. I agree with the opinion in the blog. I love Ariana becuase she has awesome music and claims to be vegan. But I am shocked and severely disappointed that she would team up with MAC. Whether it was to promote her image or not she could have EASILY chosen a makeup brand that's 100% vegan. That way she could have promoted animal libertation as well as her own image. I mean, she's got millions of fans already so I'm pretty sure SHE would have still received more public recognition even with a makeup brand that's not extremely well known. I would have loved to see her boost a vegan makeup company..I will still enjoy her music and all but I did lose a little respect and admiration towards her. I'll soon think she is a hypocrite if she doesn't clear this whole thing up.

    1. I completely agree! Even if she had chosen a vegan brand that wasn't well known she wouldn't just be promoting cruelty free but also helping a brand gain some recognition which seems like the best of both worlds.
