Tuesday 7 June 2016

The one with Korea

Hi all!
I know I haven't posted in a looooong time. Exam season has just ended YAAAAAAS. Lets just say that I have never been more stressed in my life and I'm glad it's all over!! And I'm so happy I can return with amazing news.
Now I heard about this a while back and well as I have decided to start learning Korean myself this really peeked my interest as South Korea has passed a law that animal testing within the cosmetics industry should or will be terminated by 2018!

Now Korea is HIGHLY known for it's cosmetics industry that features advanced technology making it one of the best in the world, places like Etude House or brands such as Nurture Republic are becoming some of the best selling products around the world! Being a regular user of Korean products myself I can say that it is one of the best alternatives to some of the products you may find you are missing out on due to avoiding animal tested products.
However, it is likely that you would think that because of the high advances in their products that they would use animal testing as a way to verify their products, well not always as they have taken on more advanced ways to test such as cell based tests which have much more reliable results.

Another, reason for not needing to use animals as a form of testing is because most of their products contain highly natural ingredients that are not chemical derived and would not affect humans in negative ways unless you are allergic to the ingredients. But lets face it that would happen even if it was tested on an animal.
The law was passed within November and does have some loopholes as the ban only applies to endpoints, where alternative tests have been accepted by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. However, the Ministry of Food and Drug safety have no alternatives when concerning eye irritation. Therefore, products that may affect eye health would have to be tested. This is why the ban has been stretched over such a long period of time.
Assuming that they wish to find some form of alternative towards the issues concerning eye irritation etc by 2018. However, this is still highly good news as more countries are stating to take part in the banning of animals and are clearly proving that it is the start of an outdated method. Korea is a highly advanced country and is setting a good examples for its trading and marketing competitors and appeals to a wider variety of people.

So all in all, it may still have a long way to go but good things come to those who wait. So guys please let me know what you think about the situation and if you think its a good thing.
Thank you!!!!! 감사합니다!
Zuri :)

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