Monday 5 September 2016

The one with PANDAS!

They're the cuddly animal of our childhood dreams, they're big, fluffy and patchy and its good to say that they're here to stay!

Hi all!
Now I'm not just talking about any big and fluffy animal, I'm talking about non-other than the Giant Panda! These amazing animals have been given the all clear and are no longer considered endangered! and its all down to Chinas amazing work at cultivating more and more bamboo but why?

Now it is no secret that the Panda is one of Chinas best known icons that once were able to roam in most parts of China. However, due to the increase in Economic and Social factors numbers were forced to drop and pandas have been limited to live in the small amount of forests that harvest Bamboo. Yet why is bamboo so attractive to pandas and so crucial to their survival?

Bamboo is essential to any pandas diet! It makes up 99% of their diet and they can eat up to 38KG of Bamboo a day! Therefore, the will migrate to where they can find bamboo, so the less bamboo there is the more die off and that is what has been happening over the last couple of years. Until now.
It is estimated that since 2004 there has been a rise in the number of Giant pandas by 17% making the total of pandas in China at around 1,596! according to the IUCN.

This has been achieved due to the amazing work China has been trying to do in order to preserve these buddle's of joy. The trading of panda skin was put to an end and poaching and hunting was banned between the years 1980-1992. Not only this but Chinas government have had a reforestation and forest protection force but in place that is working greatly!

So there you have it guys Pandas are officially no longer endangered and have now been labelled has 'venerable' meaning that there is skill room for improvement but still all is well in the panda kingdom.

Please let me know what you guys think in comments below as always! Do you guys think this is good? or are you not quite celebrating yet as there is skill some room for improvement?
Thank you,
-Zuri :)

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