Tuesday 6 October 2015

The one with the Introduction

This blog is going to tell you about all of the ways that you can purchase, find information and contact sellers about everyday products that may involve harming or using animals for products.

In Europe it is illegal to use animals for product testing or ingredient testing. However in many other countries like China it is a legal requirement for animals to be used in testing or the product will not be distributed in their country. Now seeing has the world is all about money, money, and oh yeah money! Companies like MAC and L'Oreal would rather sell to China. It is estimated that thanks to these companies for every mascara pot it is worth 2 rabbits lives!! Do you think that's worth it?
Next time you think about buying a product, think about its consequences.

I mean who would want to kill this little innocent thing

Many campaigns and companies like PETA, Bunny free and Cruelty Free are ways to find out more about animal cruelty all around however there is not enough information on how we can get our perfect lashes without taking a life. So we're here to tell you how!

Zurine, Kimberly and Lauren. :)

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