Saturday 10 October 2015

The one with a breakthrough

SeaWorld San Diego can no longer bread their killer Wales!

 "..the commission's action today ensures that no more orcas will be condemned to a nonlife of loneliness, deprivation, and misery..."

I know this hasn't got a lot to do with animal products but I think it is a vital breakthrough in marine captivity and the cruelty behind some it.

A lot of people, especially those who live in European countries (like me!) don't seem to know much about SeaWorld and the dangers that the animals under 'their care' seem to face.
SeaWorld, especially in America, has been under a lot of criticism over the years due to the documentary 'Blackfish' and following facts: 

SeaWorld's trainers are not actually marine biologists!

SeaWorld has never really commented on the fact that their trainers are not actually trained to be around the animals that they perform with, rather they are just regular everyday performers who happen to know how to swim! Genius right? However the performers are simply just there to entertain us and show us how talented the Orcas are. Which although the Orcas are highly intelligent it would probably be better if they were 'trained' or looked after by professionals who know what they're doing. Which leads me to my next point...

It isn't safe for anyone!

There have been over 100 incidents reported of the Orcas turning aggressive towards the trainers, who are obviously sooooo well trained to be around the Orcas, on many occasions the aggression of the orcas has lead to death by internal bleeding. One of the most serious deaths to occur at SeaWorld was the death of Dawn Brancheau in February 2010, when a killer Whale reportedly grabbed her arm in its mouth and violently dragged her around until she drowned to death.

The animals aren't cared for!

In January 2012, the USDA warned SeaWorld San Antonio due to its “repeated failure to provide drain covers that are securely fastened in order to minimize the potential risk of animal entrapment”—this violation cost s sea lion its life. Once again the USDA conducted an investigation and reported Sea World for several violations of the Animal Welfare Act, these violations including the use of expired surgical materials, some were up to a decade old!!. The USDA found that many of the dolphin tanks had faults in them such as cracked concrete that could pose a threat for the animals and workers of SeaWorld. Many have claimed to the Whales and Orcas violence has come from the animals literally having mental breakdown due to the conditions they live in, there have even be reports of a 'drunken' dolphin who pokes his tongue out at viewers, many marine biologists claim that it is due to the inadequate living conditions, however SeaWorld claim that the dolphin is perfectly sane and 'fine'.

Many of the animals suffer from sunburn. Orcas and killer whales often find shade in the depth of the water however in SeaWorld the deepest recorded tank is 40 foot deep, meaning that it is no where near deep enough for the animals to shade away from the harmful sun and you can guarantee that some of their skin will be pointing out of the water leaving it full exposed in the sun for up to 8 hours a day. That to a human is being left out in the desert for up to 8 hours with no protection painful right?

Collapsed fins captivity, most male orcas have collapsed fins as adults, which is a sign of an unhealthy orca. SeaWorld claims that this condition is common and natural for all orcas. However, collapsed dorsal fins are mostly caused by Orcas being in unnatural environments and is rarely found to happen in the wild, it is estimated that every 1 in 3 orcas will have a collapsed fin in the wild.
A typical Orca confinement. Nothing like the ocean.

Now for their breading programme!

In their natural habitat Orcas and Killer Wales like to chose their mates. However at SeaWorld, Orcas are less than lucky when it comes to breeding. Male orcas and killer wales are trained to float on their backs, and their trainers masturbate them to collect their sperm,. Females will then be artificially inseminated and forced to breed at a very young age, much much younger than they would be when they are in the wild. Many of the orcas and killer wales are made to inbred with their children.
Most people fine this disturbing, well everyone but SeaWorld and their "trainers" apparently...
But there has finally been a break through after a whole day of waiting the court in California San Diego the breading of captive killer Wales and orcas has been offitially banned, although it is a minor breakthrough as SeaWorld is still free to breed their other killer wales and orcas outside of San Diego.
In a statement People from the Ethical Treatment of Animals said, "..the commission's action today ensures that no more orcas will be condemned to a nonlife of loneliness, deprivation, and misery..."
Although on the plus side the 11 remaining orcas in SeaWorld San Diego will live out the rest of their lives in peace.

-Zurine :)

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